On November 18 2009 at 4:02 am William Alan Bartosch was joyfully welcomed into our family. He weighed in at 7 lbs 9 oz and 20 in long. We were stunned to discover that he was born with Trisomy 21, or Down syndrome. We love him unconditionally from the top of his toe-head to the tips of his toes. We know that this diagnosis will not define him. He is a happy, healthy little boy that just happens to have an extra chromosome.

Follow us on this unexpected and exciting journey as we learn how to live life Will's Way.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Rose Colored Glasses

Here is a video of Will eating with a fork!

In my frustration with Will and his horrible eating habits I have decided to take on the untensil training battle.  My hope is that in his struggle for independence, he will want to feed himself even if it is a green bean.  As you can see he does pretty well with the fork as long as I stab the food, but gets very frustrated when he tries to stab it himself.  He also very quickly figured out that just because I hand it to him does not mean he has to eat it and has been pulling off undesireable food like vegetables when I give them to him.  He is so challenging with eating and drinking!!!  At least his favorite food is veggie burgers:)
Which leads to what I feel I need to say about this blog.  I CHOOSE to put up mostly happy pictures of Will smiling and doing cute things.  That is the great part about this blog-therapy...you can let the world in on the parts you want them to know and leave out all the yucky stuff.  Life with Will is great...but is definately not always rosy.  I am not disillusioned into thinking that we don't have big issues to face, nor am I not in touch with reality.  I choose to put up happy pictures of Will smiling and of his big accomplishments because it is a frame of mind for me.  If I let myself go to that negative place and dwell on all that Will is struggling with, it is really hard to find my way back.  I have days where I want to literally beat my head against a wall when he won't sign 'milk' or show me where his belly is, and days when I just want to cry because I see children half his age walking and talking.  The truth is that it really stinks that Will has to work twice as hard to accomplish everything and that this will never go away.  Every time I go to that bad place though, it takes me twice as long to come back as it did the time before.  So I try to put on rose colored glasses as much as I can for my own sanity and for Will's well being:)  I do my best everyday to focus on the positive and having positive people around me really helps with that.  I just had to put that out there so it was clear that I am not trying to make my life seem better or easier than it is because our day to day struggles are very real.  Having said all of that...I wouldn't change even one little chromosome about Will!  Will is amazing and makes my life so much better than I ever imagined it could be...with or without the veggies:)

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