On November 18 2009 at 4:02 am William Alan Bartosch was joyfully welcomed into our family. He weighed in at 7 lbs 9 oz and 20 in long. We were stunned to discover that he was born with Trisomy 21, or Down syndrome. We love him unconditionally from the top of his toe-head to the tips of his toes. We know that this diagnosis will not define him. He is a happy, healthy little boy that just happens to have an extra chromosome.

Follow us on this unexpected and exciting journey as we learn how to live life Will's Way.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Hugs and Kisses

Will loves to play with the mirror:)  He makes faces in it, babbles to it and licks it.  Recently I taught him to kiss himself in the mirrow and then caught him doing it on his own a couple days later.

Will may be delayed in walking and talking, but he is definately not behind in how to show signs of affection!  This kid gives kisses and hugs better than any kid his age:)  He wraps his arms around me like a little monkey, when he is in the loving mood, and holds on so tight.  It is pure heaven!  And one is never enough.  Sometimes I can't get through the grocery store because we are so busy giving hugs:)  He loves to give sloppy kisses too!  Poor Miss Lillian is often on the recieving end of these kisses because she can't run away and he just loves her to pieces.  She is usually a slobbery mess after Will comes by to say hi!  It is very cute and a little gross!


unc ricky said...

so stinkin' cute. i want one of those hugs! make sure to get them pumped up to see their uncle tomorrow...

and happy birthday to the tied for first best sister ever

Ron, Andrea and Will Bartosch said...

i reminded them all last night!