On November 18 2009 at 4:02 am William Alan Bartosch was joyfully welcomed into our family. He weighed in at 7 lbs 9 oz and 20 in long. We were stunned to discover that he was born with Trisomy 21, or Down syndrome. We love him unconditionally from the top of his toe-head to the tips of his toes. We know that this diagnosis will not define him. He is a happy, healthy little boy that just happens to have an extra chromosome.

Follow us on this unexpected and exciting journey as we learn how to live life Will's Way.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Look what else Lillian taught me to do...

Will re-started private speech therapy last week.  He was able to squeeze in with his old therapist which makes the intro period much easier!  She is happy with how much he is approximating sounds while signing...'ba' for ball, 'mo' for more, 't' for train.  I am happy too that he is making small progress in speech, it just never seems like it amounts to much.  He still doesn't use any words unless prompted, so communication is getting to be an even bigger challenge.  Tonight at Chick-Fila, we were playing in the play space when a little girl asked me how old he was and does he talk?  I said no, not yet, he just jibber jabbers.  She goes, oh, well my brother is two and he talks.  Cute kid.  Sigh.  But on a positive note, Will has conquered the play gym there!  Until recently he needed cousin Ava to help him up the big steps to get to the slide, and would usually have to be saved when he got scared up on top.  Tonight he climbed and played all by himself, except for our little friend and her brother, and was so happy and proud!  He wore himself out going up and down!
He wasn't into carving the pumpkin and touching the goop this year:(  He did like coloring on the pumpkin though!

Ron is off to Maryland to run another marathon so Will and I went to the zoo.  This monkey did not like me taking his picture!


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